God Desires Our Good

Escrito el 02/12/2024
Pastor Jorge Mazariegos

My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent His rebuke,
because the Lord disciplines those He loves, as a father the son he delights in.
(Proverbs 3:11-12)

We often go through struggles and tribulations. Through many of them, we learn, or at least, we should learn. Remember that everything that happens in our lives should point to God’s glory, even during times of difficulty. It is a mistake to think that accepting Christ means we will live without effort or struggles.

Living with Christ means being aware that, in the midst of challenges and difficulties, God will always be with us. Knowing that God is by our side makes a huge difference in how we face the problems of our lives. That is why we should not despise God’s Word. No matter how hard it may seem, it is His Word that leads us to eternal life.

The Word of God is like pruning a plant: a cut is made to improve its growth. God "prunes" us from certain things that, at first, we find difficult to detach from. But with time, we realize that God has placed us in the right direction. That is why we must be attentive, because every discipline given by God is for our spiritual growth. He wants our good, and there is no need to fear!

He is Our Good!
If the Holy Spirit prompts your heart to do— or to stop doing—something, obey! Certainly, that is the best choice you can make.
Be humble in heart. A humble heart accepts correction and instruction.
God desires our good. There is nothing God does that is meant to humiliate His children. If you find yourself in sin, recognize it and ask God for forgiveness. He is merciful. Always!

Lord Jesus, I want to thank You for Your presence and protection. Teach me to live according to Your Word. Help me to grow! I want to learn more about You. In Your name, Jesus, Amen.