Edifying the neighbor

Escrito el 14/03/2022
Vida y Fe Church

Let each one please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.
(Romans 15:2)

To edify means to build, to raise up from the ground. As in all edification, effort and much searching is necessary. To edify is to advance in faith, from glory to glory and little by little. When we reach a point where our faith is well founded, it is up to us to edify the life of our neighbor.

To grow in Christ is not to grow for ourselves. The apostle Paul directs the one who is strong in faith to bear with the weak. We must show compassion, patience and tolerance for our brothers and sisters who are in a growth phase.

When it comes to edification, our behavior should seek to please and help our neighbor, placing our interests below those of the one who needs spiritual growth. And in the Bible there is no greater example than that of Jesus! He served at all times, gave his life for us and, to this day, edifies us with his word.

When we contribute to the growth of a brother we are strengthening the body of Christ. To be part of the church is to be part of a body, a collective one. And that is how we all, with one heart, glorify our Lord Jesus Christ.

Edifying your brother:

  • Invest some of your time in the life of your neighbor. Listen to your brother, pray with him.
  • Encourage your brother to read the Bible. Strength and understanding come from reading God's word.
  • Avoid accusation in case of correction. Exhort in love, always focus on forgiveness and regeneration in Jesus.
  • Share your experiences with God. Your testimony can strengthen a brother's faith.

For prayer:
Lord Jesus, I want to pray for my brother's life. Use me as an instrument of blessing in his life. Pour out your Spirit that teaches, edifies and strengthens. May we together praise and magnify you for all the good things you have done in our lives. In Jesus' name, amen.