It is better to give than to receive

Escrito el 21/03/2022
Vida y Fe Church

By my example I have shown them that it is necessary to work hard to help those in need, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus: "There is more joy in giving than in receiving".
(Acts 20:35)

The Christian life is nourished by generosity, grace and love. This is a different logic than what we are used to seeing in the world where ambition for profit dictates the rules in relationships, leaving many blinded by power, riches and the desire for profit. But in the Bible we understand that:

it is by LOSING (the passing things of life) that we GAIN Christ (eternity with God) - Luke 17:33.
we must LOVE our enemies and PRAY for those who mistreat us - Matthew 5:44.
it is necessary to FORGIVE those who repeatedly err against us - Matthew 18:22.
it is better to GIVE than to RECEIVE - Acts 20:35.
There is more joy in giving than in receiving!
Christians are called to exercise this lifestyle and become more Christ-like. He, full of grace, gave all for us. Contrary to the world, do as he did. Give love, forgiveness, humility and generosity. Following in the Lord's footsteps give and invest in others.
Remember that in the kingdom of God we have already received the most precious GOOD in Christ. The more we give of that which he gives us, the more we receive back. The Lord rewards the generous (Proverbs 19:17).

For prayer:
Lord, help me to be unreservedly generous, always investing in your kingdom. As you have given us everything, teach me to give lovingly and liberally to those in need. May the Lord increase and may I decrease, Father. Transform my character and awaken in me a greater desire to give than I receive. In Jesus' name, amen.