Everything We Need

Escrito el 25/03/2024
Pastor Jorge Mazariegos

By His divine power, in giving us the knowledge of the one who called us by His own glory and excellence, He has granted us everything we need to live as God commands.
(2 Peter 1:3)

God is not a waiter delivering what we order from the menu. He is a Father who sustains a home with everything necessary. Sometimes, we are tempted to turn God into a genie from a lamp and our prayers into a Christmas list, constantly asking for material things.

What Peter teaches us here is very powerful. The divine power of the Lord has already provided everything we need for life. He uses the knowledge we have of Jesus for this. It is not just theoretical knowledge, but knowledge that arises from experience. If you truly know Jesus, you already have everything necessary for life.

Believe in Christ and let Him transform your life. In Jesus, we find our health and our wealth, eternal life, and an inheritance that lasts forever.

Know Him
Pray to God and ask for enlightenment to understand the Scriptures;
Read the Bible, especially the Gospels, and strive to know Jesus Christ;
Trust that God provides you with everything you need.

To pray:
Lord, my God and Father, I ask You to forgive me for the times I have tried to turn You into my servant, seeing You as someone who owes me. At the same time, Father, I ask that You renew my understanding of You, that I may know You as You truly are and in the way You have revealed Yourself. May Jesus Christ have total sovereignty over my life! I trust that through Him I will be supplied with everything I need to live. Amen.